Toy Soldiers
Military Busts
Military Figures
Gift Card
Fig 216 - British Army RSM in battledress
Fig 47 - Blues and Royals Corporal of Horse at present.
Fig 60 - WWI Mounted US Officer.
Set 70 - WWI Troops, in tin helmet, at attention, rifle over shoulder.
Set 214 - British Army in battledress, standing
Set 215 - British Army in battledress, at march
Fig 170 - Kings Troop RHA mounted Gunner
Set 209 - Los Carreteros Officer & Men
Set 109, Royal Marines Band, marching, 31 piece.
Set 115, Scots Guards Drum Corps, standing, 9 piece.
Set 114, Royal Marines Drum Corps, standing, 9 piece.
Fig 171 - Kings Troop RHA mounted Bugler
Fig 172 - Kings Troop RHA Officer standing
Fig 173 - Kings Troop RHA Bugler standing.
Set 174, KIngs Troop RHA Gunners Standing
Set 176, RHA Gunners sword at present
Fig 179, WW1 Gunner, Mounted
Fig 177, WW Officer, Mounted, Arm Raised
OTF 2, WW1 Troops in Forage Cap, Marching
OTF 5, WWI troops in trench coat, marching.
Set 119, WWI Recruiting Band, 7 figures.
Set 113, Scots Guards marking time.
Set 112, Scots Guards Drum Corps, marching, 10 piece.
Set 110, WWI Mounted figure leading packhorse.
Fig 118, Victorian Lampost
Fig 108, WWI Cyclist – riding bicycle
Fig 117, Ceremonial street flagpole.
Set 100, Scots Guards Band, marching, 31 piece.
OTF 6, WWI Officer in trench coat, marching.
OTF 8, WWI Sikh troops, marching.